As the name suggests, Aurosia is a room of golden tones, with curtains in natural silk, furniture in wood and iron, and a valuable bed-head of Neapolitan origin. The bathroom, equipped with shower and whirlpool, has a beautiful window with Venetian snares. A ceiling decorated with friezes, an interesting modern painting on jute and a kilim with geometrical figures, complete the aesthetics of the room, which measures more or less 24 square meters.

It is said that a graceful damsel, with golden hair as long as a wedding veil fell hopelessly in love with the son of a duke. Needless to say, the duke and his sullen and graceless wife – that is what she must have been like, as she did not appreciate Aurosia’s beauty at all – opposed the marriage with all their might.
So much so, that they forced the loved son, the heir desired by the graceful dame, that had everything but title and treasure, to leave for the crusades. Oh, what an unfavorable decision! Better dead than badly married! Actually it seems that things did not exactly go like that. It seems that the infamous rascal did not have any desire to marry, and not knowing how to free himself from poor Aurosia’s love, that continued to press him like any respectable stalker, developed the diabolical scheme with his parents. He let the poor girl believe that the duke would agree to their union only if he went to the Holy land to demonstrate his value and put his courage to test. That is: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The mean youngster took weapons and luggage and actually left – but to go to his family’s castle near the sea. Aurosia, who had fallen in love but wasn’t completely clueless, let him think she believed his little tale, but, at nightfall, she went to check her loved one’s luggage, only to find his saddlebags full not of weapons and armor, but of velvet bodices and linen shirts, lutes and golden rings…
She instantly decided a course of action. She took a mixture of tar and other foul things and patiently soaked all his clothes and tinsels in it, without missing a spot, not even the laces of his underwear. Then afflicted but satisfied, she concluded that nobody in the world should have been treated that rudely, and decided that from that day forward she would dedicate her life to helping all those destitute maidens that were being fooled by dukes, princes and other noblemen…She closed herself in a room, cut off her golden locks and stuck them on the walls – to remind her, she said – and started receiving girls suffering the pangs of unreciprocated love, this time – for a fee!
Her talents as a Heart Business Planner (matchmaker) soon was known all through the kingdom, and our Aurosia ended up a very well known witch, rich with lovers and money, more efficient than the most clicked on of social networks.