Five different tones of purple were used for the Dulasia room, a mysterious and magical room such as the color that distinguishes it. The floors are in ardesia stone with plum shades, the lamps are in bronze and crystal, the carpet is Persian, and the ceiling has exposed beams. Unexpected streaks of orange break and brighten the arcane allure of the dominant color, purple. The bathroom brings to mind a hammam, with priceless antique wooden columns that delimitate the bathtub and the grand ceiling hydro massage shower with color-changing lights. The Dulasia room is about 30 square meters.

So, Dulasia was the non-existing city. It was the mysterious city, the one where everyone wanted to live, the city where life flowed as easily as water through open fingers. The city of dreams, not just because the houses were enchanting and welcoming, not because of the good manners of its inhabitants, no, it wasn’t just that, it wasn’t even the well-being of every citizen… Dulasia was a place where everyone could be himself, what he intimately was, without super structures, lies or duties and without anyone to judge you. It was a place where people lived happily and in peace with their soul, where all that was based in human nature had been extirpated, where everyone could follow his own drives: in short, the Dulasians had learnt not to impose on others the search of their own ideals, prejudices or own beliefs.
Not everyone could obtain residency in Dulasia – they had to give proof of their temperance and pass careful examination on the part of the elders and the citizens of Dulasia. That was not all. Dulasia could vanish in a flash, and the unfortunate person who thought he had been admitted, found himself suddenly back from where he had come, without any way of gaining a second chance! What a regret for that poor man! To destroy a Utopia without any possibility of appeal…
It so happened that Lazzarinia, prostrated by the difficult trials that chance had brought her way, concluded she had had enough and decided to find a way to get to Dulasia, She had known of its existance since she wore pigtails and a red hood, but who knew if it really existed, that city where all dreams could come true and the days never brought any unwanted surprises! She searched high and low, so much so that an elder from Dulasia noticed her and moved by his compassionate nature, decided to try the substance of this lady, to understand if she was a suitable candidate for life in Dulasia. He appeared to her while she was sleeping, and spoke to her about the principles and the ways of the Dulasian people, warning her that if she did not attain to the habits and laws of that place, she would immediately be sent back from where she had come from, puff!
Lazzarinia impressed the elder so much on that night, that he was convinced she would have been a perfect addition to their city, and would not have any problem getting accustomed to their ways. So, she was brought to Dulasia. But because habits are tough to break, after some time – not much, actually – she started giving signs of intolerance. Never a fight, never any sarcasm, not a sign of nervousness… only friendliness and good manners… pfui! In less than ten seconds the city council decided to summon her to discuss her expulsion… And Lazzarinia understood she had made quite a mess with her intemperance! What to do then? But Lazzarinia was sly. She thought about it and in the end, had an epiphany. She presented herself at the summons, but, as soon as the eldest of the elders asked her a question, boom! She fell to the ground like a ripe pear, fast asleep. Gulp! They tried to wake her: titillating her, tickling, pulling… but there was nothing to be done. Lazzarinia was asleep, and she slept with an expression of happiness and beatitude, finally satisfied. The council was at an impasse: what to do? After a long discussion, it was decided that it was not possible to send the sleeping girl back and that, if she wanted to sleep in Dulasia, why stop her? After all, why hate each other in the morning when you can dream all day long?
They built her a wonderful bedroom, painted purple, the color of mystery! Where she could dream happily and wake up whenever she wanted.